Pasture Raised Livestock

“Pastured Raised” refers to the way certain animals are taken care of and where they live before they are processed. When an animal is raised on pasture, they get access to fresh air, sunshine, good quality food every day, and human interaction which keeps them happy and entertained. The animals are rotated amongst the paddocks to make sure their spaces stay clean and so they can get fresh grass often. They are given fresh water multiple times a day and they are spoiled with lots of healthy treats. The quality and flavour of the meats we offer is reflective of the quality of the animal and the care they received.


Chickens are on grass but kept safe and secure inside a structure called a "chicken tractor".  The tractor is moved daily so they get fresh grass.


Lambs are grass feed and put out to pasture every day.  At night the lamb are kept in a shelter to keep them safe from predators.


Pigs are kept on pasture and allowed to exhibit their pigness.  They root and forage, make wallows and take mud baths.



Turkeys free range within a fenced paddock during the day and are kept in a shelter at night for their protection.